Texas Natives
Texas native plants are perfect fits in the Houston garden. These are plants that hold up to the heat, drought, freeze, and anything else the Texas climate throws at them.
I have personally grown every plant you see here and can testify to their low maintenance care.
Native plants also hold many benefits for sustaining wildlife activity in your garden. Get in touch with nature and the passing of seasons by planting native!
Fall Aster-Symphyotrichum oblongifolium
Fall Aster-Symphyotrichum oblongifolium
Fall Obedient Plant-Physostegia virginiana
Fall Obedient Plant-Physostegia virginiana
Gregg's Mist Flower-Conoclinium greggii
Gregg's Mist Flower-Conoclinium greggii
Texas Rock Rose- Pavonia lasiopetala
Texas Rock Rose-Pavonia lasiopetala
Showy Evening Primrose - Oenothera speciosa
Carolina Jessamine vine-Gelsemium sempervirens
Tangerine Beauty Crossvine- Bignonia capreolata
Tangerine Beauty Crossvine-Bignonia capreolata
Tropical Sage- Salvia coccinea
Tropical/Scarlet Sage-Salvia coccinea
Turk's Cap- Malvaviscus arboreus var. drummondii
Perennial winecup - Callirhoe involucrata
Frogfruit-Phyla Nodiflora
Frogfruit-Phyla nodiflora
4 Leaf Clover Fern- Marsilea Macropoda
4 Leaf Clover Fern- Marsilea Macropoda
Fragrant Mist Flower-Ageratina havanensis
Fragrant Mist Flower-Ageratina havanensis
Black Eyed Susan- Rudbeckia fulgita "Goldstrum"
"Sparklette" Esperanza (yellow bells cultivar)
Inland Sea Oats-Chasmanthium latifolium
Weeping Traveller Redbud blooms in spring
American Beauty Berry-Callicarpa americana
Clasping Coneflower-Dracopis amplexicaulis
Purple Coneflower-Echinacea purpurea
Purple Coneflower-Echinacea purpurea
Pink/Gulf Coast Muhly Grass- Muhlenbergia capillaris
Brazos Penstemon-Penstemon tenuis
Texas Bluebonnet-Lupinus texensis
American Basket Flower and Swallowtail
Lyre-Leaf Sage-Salvia lyrata
Coral Honeysuckle vine-Lonicera sempervirens
Stinking Passion Vine-Passiflora foetida
Stinking Passion Vine-Passiflora foetida
Gulf Fritillary on Native Passion Vine
Common Yarrow-Achillea millefolium
Retama, Jerusalem Thorn, Palo Verde Tree
Texas Olive Tree-Cordia boissieri
Bald Cypress-Taxodium distichum
Plant Education Resources:
Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center
North American Native Plant Society
Homegrown National Park