Introduced plants
The most beautiful gardens often combine native and non-native plants. This gallery of plants represents plants that do well in the Houston climate, but are native to other regions.
Browse here for tropical color, annuals, and trusted, unique perennials.
Barleria cristata, Philippine Violet
ShiShi Gashira Camellia
"Baan Thai Red" Ginger
Golden Globes Lysmachia
Luna Hardy Hibiscus
Hardy Hibiscus
Hardy Hibiscus 'Midnight Marvel'
Dutchman's pipevine and pipevine swallowtail caterpillars
Dutchman's Pipe Vine
Golden Cestrum-Cestrum aurantiacum 'Orange Zest'
Stapelia gigantea and Green Anole
Stapelia gigantea
Peggy Martin Climbing Rose
Peggy Martin Rose
Mystic Spires Salvia
Mona Lavender-Plectranthus 'Mona Lavender'
Rain Lily
Pride of Barbados
Salvia 'Mystic Spires'
Firecracker russelia-Russelia equestiformis
Graffiti Penta
Bleeding Heart Clerodendrum
African Blue Basil
Bracteantha X Granvia Gold Strawflower
Gregg's Mist Flower (native) and Lemon Sorbet Shrimp Plant
Ajuga/Bugleweed groud cover
Blood Lily bulb
Ornamental Cabbage and Violas
Petunia and Pandora's Box Viola
Brazilina Plume Flower-Justicia carnea Jacobinia
Mexican Bush Sage-Salvia leucantha
Red Fountains Skullcap
Pink Russelia Sarmentosa